Thursday, November 29, 2012

Lindsay Lohan arrested for bar brawl!

Wow...this has been a big week for Lindsay. After bombing in her TV movie Liz & Dick, Lindsay was supposedly very, very upset. To cheer herself up, she went to a Justin Bieber concert where she went after one of the boys from The Wanted and even tried to sneak backstage, unsuccessfully. She met up with the boy, Max George, after the show at a club, but when he saw she was intensely drunk, he made a run for it.

The accounts are a little different on different websites, but it sounds like Max George was flirting with a woman at the bar and it got Lindsay insanely belligerent. Some insults were thrown and finally when a mention of Lohan's recent performance in Liz & Dick was mentioned, she lost it and punched the woman. Lindsay was arrested and was bailed out by her friend and former assistant, Gavin Doyle. Check out the video of Lindsay, bellow, DEMANDING that Gavin be thrown out of the car and he's forced to take the long walk home with reporters following him...yikes...Lindsay violated her parole so she's going to be in deep legal trouble...ugh, I just want it to work out for her, even though she makes it really hard for anyone to feel sorry for her.

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