Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Barbra to record with Rihanna and Adele?!?

Hello, gorgeous ones! This actually sounds like something promising! So, as we all know, Tony Bennett recorded a duets album that did very well and had him singing with pop stars like Lady Gaga, Carrie Underwood, etc, now Barbra may be following in his footsteps! Babs has just signed a $30 million record deal with Sony and the plans are to bring her together with young, hip performers so the album will appeal to a larger group. Artists that have been mentioned are Adele (!!!) and Rihanna. Um, this sounds like it could be fab! I wonder what Babs and Adele could belt out together? Maybe a sultry duet version of "My Man?" Exciting! I also have a feeling that Barbra needing to "appeal" to a younger audience might have something to do with her Gypsy movie being made. They need to remind everyone that Babs still reigns before that picture comes out. Well, let's hope BOTH projects happen SOON. Oh, and Babs! My schedule is WIDE open! Give me a call!

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