Saturday, May 19, 2012

True Blood! Getting excited for Season 5!

Hello, gorgeous, vampire loving fans. So, I should start by saying that vampires. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been fascinated by anything relating to them, even though a few bad vampire movies initially scared me...but it only FUELED my love for them. From the Halloween episode of Xena, where Gabrielle gets turned into a vampire, to the Winona Ryder Dracula movie, and THEN the best of all, Buffy, to Angel, to Twilight, (oh and not to mention a handful of flop Broadway vampire musicals) and now I have discovered True Blood and I am falling for vampires all over again.


I started the series and I instantly loved the concept of Vampires existing, announcing their existence to the world and "coming out of the coffin." A world where vampires aren't a big secret and can casually walk around and go to McDonalds?!? Cool! I also liked the assortment of characters at Merlotte's (the bar/restaurant owned by Sam, a shapeshifter), and I instantly identified with Sookie: strangely attractive, awkward, but also weirdly confident, oh and the psychic powers thing.

Obviously over the course of the seasons I formed strong feelings about the characters: who I liked (Jessica, Pam, Lafayette, Russell Edgington, Eric asshole version, Queen Sophie Ann, Maryann, Nan, Hoyt, Jason, etc), who I didn't (Bill, Eric good annoying version, Crystal, Tara, Jesus, Tara's mom, Tommy, Debbie, EGGS, etc) and realized that the writing for the show wasn't always...stellar, but the characters and the world are so fun that it's hard for me not to love it no matter what. Also, despite Sookie being the worst mostly, I love that this girl's first love, Bill, is instantly not anyone's idea of a dream man. He does shady, shady, angry, sneaky things that make him less of a knight in shining armor vampire, like Edward in Twilight. I don't like all, and I think he's short, talks weird, and is bad for Sookie, but it's nice to have a leading man/love interest with some major, major flaws that don't just involve guilt.

Anyway, I am just starting the books and I am REALLLLY looking forward to season 5! ALSO, for True Blood fans, I discovered that Jezebel (a great blog), does HILARIOUS episode recaps of True Blood and lists the pros and cons of each episode...they're hilarious, check it out. ALSO, check out the trailer for Season 5!

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