Saturday, April 21, 2012

Apocalypse Now: Taylor Swift may play Joni Mitchell in Biopic

Hello gorgeous awful....awful news. One of the young stars I hate the most might be playing one of the 20th centuries greatest folk artists. This is LUNACY! Can't you get a real actress and...dare I say it, a REAL singer to play the role of such an icon? Hollywood: I know Taylor Swift is just SO beloved by all, but come on! She is the worst! Do what the people doing the Les Miserables movie did and WISE UP! This girl is the worst!


  1. Why?? Why is Taylor Swift so popular like THIS????? ugh....

  2. It's just awful. Stay away from our icons Taylor!!!

  3. blasphemous!!! why don't we just have david hasselhof play elvis while we're at it?? (p.s. i love you for hating her, Veronica! )
